Motor test for Uniview
Motor Moons – MS17HD2L405B-01 customer provided Target current: 0.37A RMS. Peak: 1.41*RMS=0.52A
Target velocity range: A) 0-60000 / B)-160000 / C)-230000 TMC5130-EVAL, supply voltage 12V
Sense resistors changed to 0R47. (Remove resistors labeled 0R15, first, equip 1206 resistor 0R47 or R470).
Full scale current now roughly 680mA. 320mV/470mOhm

Putting into operation with the TMCL-IDE
1. Enter Rsense

2. Set motor current to 0.37A RMS

3. Open register browser in oder to directly access registers. Select registers GCONF, CHOPCONF and PWMCONF for view, first. Countercheck the contents of the register to the screenshot, below.
Set stealthChop by setting GCONF.2

4. Motor current measured with scope Start motor using velocity mode.
V=50 000 gives nice sine wave. Above that, current amplitude decreases

- In case of mixing stealthChop and spreadCycle, this would be the upper switching velocity.
StealhChop only operation gives smooth motor run (motor without load) at V=0 to 160 000. Current amplitude significantly reduces above V=100 000. Above 160 000, the unloaded motor may show resonance.
5. Test with spreadCycle

Switch off en_pwm_mode again. Not much necessity to tune defaults. Reduced TOFF gives slightly lower motor noise.
Set TOFF=3, HSTRT=4.

Wave shows clean form and zerocrossing. Tested at V=20 000.
6. Combine stealthChop and spreadCycle
Try different switching velocities by toggling en_pwm_mode in GCONF.2

A switching velocity of 50 000 gives a good switching event without excess jerk.

Experimental results for stallGuard

StallGuard shows good results for velocity V=50000 to 130000. But velocity dependence is quite high, because, at 12V, the motor’s back EMF already reaches the supply voltage at roughly 1 RPS (VMAX about 60000).
- stallGuard can be nicely used. I recommend V=60000 / 1 RPS
- coolStep would require a lower resistive / higher current motor, or higher supply voltage in order to extend to higher velocity
Activation of coolStep:

coolStep shows good results when operated from 55 000 to roughly 90000 using a single setting. To restrict coolStep to this range also set TCOOLTHRS and THIGH (use the TSTEP values valid at the respective velocity).

a) Operation of the motor with stealthChop is silent within velocity range up to 160 000.
b) The motor is quite high-resistive, and 12V supply voltage is comparatively low. This is optimum at low velocity, but at increased velocity, motor might lose torque.
c) stallGuard works nicely, if tuned for a single velocity near 1 RPS.
d) At a limited velocity range (V=55 000 to 90 000), coolStep brings good results.
e) For highest possible torque at high velocity, switching to spreadCycle at v=50000 (TPWMTHRS=335) gives a good switching event.
Further options: Switching to fullstep at high velocity – does not bring enhancement. In contrary, motor resonance increases above v=160000