

#module 1 COM16/USB/id1/Landungsbruecke [Landungsbruecke]
CALC ADD, 1 // Add 1 to accu
STOA 0, 0 // Store local variable to accumulator
SAP 7, 0, 0, 1 // Deactivate Standby of TMC7300
SAP 0, 0, 30, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to 30%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
SAP 0, 0, 50, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to 50%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
SAP 0, 0, 30, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to 30%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
SAP 0, 0, 0, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to 0%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
SAP 0, 0, -30, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to -30%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
SAP 0, 0, -50, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to -50%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
SAP 0, 0, -30, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to -30%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
SAP 0, 0, 0, 1 // Set duty cycle for Motor 1 to 0%
WAIT TICKS, 0, 1000 // Wait 1 second
CALC ADD, 1 // Add 1 to accu
STOA 0, 0 // Store value to accumulator
COMP 100 // <----- Amount of loops set here
JC LE, Loop // Jump to label Loop
SAP 7, 0, 1, 1 // Activate Standby of TMC7300